Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance
while executing a low obverse outer forearm block.
2. |
Execute a high front snap kick to B with the right
foot. |
3. |
Lower the right foot to B, forming a right walking
stance while executing a middle obverse front punch. |
4. |
Move the right foot to A, turning clockwise to form
a right walking stance toward A while executing a low
obverse outer forearm block. |
5. |
Execute a high front snap kick to A with the left
foot. |
6. |
Lower the left foot to A forming a left walking stance
while executing a middle obverse front punch. |
7. |
Move the left foot to D, turning counter clockwise,
forming a left walking stance while executing a circular
block with the right inner forearm. |
8. |
Execute a high side piercing kick to D with the right
foot. |
9. |
Lower the right foot to D, forming a left L-stance
while executing a reverse middle inner forearm block. |
10. |
Move the right foot to C, turning clockwise, forming
a right walking stance while executing a circular block
with the left inner forearm. |
11. |
Execute a high side piercing kick
to C with the left foot. |
12. |
Lower the left foot to C, forming a right L-stance
while executing a reverse middle inner forearm block. |
13. |
Move the left foot to A, turning
counter clockwise, forming a left walking stance while
executing a high obverse forearm block. |
14. |
Execute a high kick to AC with the right foot. |
15. |
Lower the right foot to A, forming
a right walking stance while executing a high double
forearm block. |
16. |
Move the right foot to B, turning clockwise, forming
a right walking stance while executing a high obverse
forearm block. |
17. |
Execute a high turning kick to
B with the left foot. |
18. |
Lower the left foot to BC, forming a left walking
stance while executing a high double forearm block. |
19. |
Move the left foot to C, turning
clockwise, forming a right L-stance while executing
a twin forearm block. |
20. |
Execute a high reverse hooking kick to C with the
right foot. (turning clockwise) |
21. |
Lower the right foot to C, forming
a left L-stance while executing a middle outward knife-hand
strike with the right hand. |
22. |
Move the right foot to D, turning clockwise, forming
a left L-stance while executing a twin forearm block. |
23. |
Execute a high reverse hooking
kick to D with the left foot. (turning counter clockwise) |
24. |
Lower the left foot to D, forming a right L-stance
while executing a middle outward knife-hand strike with
the left hand. |
25. |
Move the right foot to D, forming
a right walking stance while executing an obverse high
front punch. |
26. |
Execute a high outward vertical checking kick and
the a high side piercing kick to D with the right foot. Perform
in a consecutive motion. |
27. |
Lower the right foot to C, forming
a left walking stance towards D while executing a reverse
middle front punch. |
28. |
Execute a high inward vertical checking kick and
then a high side piercing kick to D with the left foot. Perform
in a consecutive motion. |
29. |
Lower the left foot to C, forming
a left L-stance towards D while executing a middle forearm
guarding block. |
30. |
Execute a middle obverse front punch to D. |
END: |
Bring the right foot back to ready
stance. |